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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What happened to my country?!?!

      I am sitting here in my office at work (yeah... I know but I needed to get this off my chest) wondering what happened to the United States of America I grew up in? We the people are at each others throats in class warfare, entitlement mentality and a welfare nanny state of mind. Our Constitutional rights obliterated with many Americans not even batting an eye while some of us that are paying attention are asking "What the Fuck!?". The government is too large and
continues to grow and now the EPA wants to extend it's power base even MORE.

      The TSA is violating our rights and dignity all in the name of security and yet after all illegal  searches and the indignation poured upon law abiding citizens... they still have yet to catch a terrorist! Americans willingly cue up and do as they are told like good little sheeple and don't question the man! Then there is the envy of those that have worked hard to get where they are and that envy is turning ugly as people are insisting those that WORKED hard give to those that haven't lifted a fucking finger to do a damn thing for themselves.

      Men are afraid to be men and do man things... all because their wife or girlfriend or some bat shit crazy femnazi bitch says it's politically incorrect! What the fuck has happened to my country? Where are the American MEN that stand for justice, law, order and defense of the weak and infirm? When did being lazy and incompetent and irresponsible become acceptable?

      When I was growing up I learned many valuable lessons. I will now write those lessons down so you can understand WHERE I am coming from and WHY I miss the America I grew up in:

- When you point a finger at someone for your own problems, remember there are always three fingers pointing back at yourself. : My Grandmother taught me this when I was 8

- Never start a fight unless you are defending someone that is being bullied. If you can walk away from a fight, you'll be a better man in the long run. But if you can't walk away and you can't reason with your assailant then don't waste time negotiating, kick the living shit out of him so he will never forget the ass whipping you gave him. My adoptive father taught me this when I was 10.

- Your word is your contract with every man, woman and child you give it too. If you abuse it and don't keep it then your worth as a man is diminished each time till you are nothing more than a worthless piece of shit that can never be trusted. My adoptive father taught me this when I was 11.

- Tell me the truth, admit when you do something wrong and you will be disciplined accordingly. Lie about it, deny it or try to run from your responsibility and you will regret it.  My Grandmother laid this rule out for me when I was 9.

- Nobody owes you a damn thing you didn't work for. My adoptive father taught me this when I was 10.

- All you can do is your best, and if that's not good enough then maybe you need to rethink how you are doing things and learn a new way. My adoptive father taught me this when I was 12.

      When I was growing up I was held accountable for my actions and words. And I learned pretty damn quickly that infractions of the rules of home were not tolerated. At the time I hated it, but now in retrospect I am glad my  adoptive father was an asshole and my Grandmother a hard ass. They were preparing me for the world, when I would have to venture out on my own at the ripe young age of 18 (actually for me it was 17... another post later maybe...). They were setting me up to succeed and to realize that I would never get anywhere if I didn't apply myself.

      It was this upbringing that got me through 14 years in the Navy (had to get out due to injuries) and got me through some pretty tough times in my life. And yes, occasionally I had help along the way  and sometimes I would ask for it. But I always paid my debts back and with interest and I made sure that BEFORE I asked for help I exhausted every resource I had within my own self. In other words I am a self reliant man that can get along just fine. I can raise my own food, hunt and trap my own food, build my own house and provide my own clean water and power... as well as do it for my children and family. And now in today's society I am considered an "abnormality" a threat to the status quo of Metro-Sexual males and their masculine women.

      We can no longer discipline our children... they are talked to and "reasoned with". And now we are seeing the devastating effect it is having on our society. This touchy feely shit has undermined the very fabric that build this nation. Ironically I am locked in a battle with my life partner over her son. She is trying to raise him the touchy feely way only to be continually frustrated as she is not getting the results she wants. I come in with my hard ass way that I was raised with... and I get results. She doesn't like it because there is no chance for him to have his voice. To which I reply... hey, I get it and I understand how important it is for a child to be heard. BUT when you need or want something done and they KNOW they can try to reason their way out of it... they will every single time. And he loses respect for you in the process.

      She hates it... because she sees by result and action that I am right. She sees that that damn Berkeley education from those fem nazi liberal morons is bullshit. And it just irritates the shit out of her something fierce. What REALLY gets her going is when I compare her son to other boys his age... but again when she sees other 6 year olds BEHAVING in public and not running around screaming and climbing on shit and staying close to their parental units... she admits I am right in my curbing his "fun". There is a time and place for everything, and this idea that a child can willy nilly climb and raise hell in public places is ludicrous. It's disruptive to others and disrespectful as well. And slowly she sees... I am right.

      How did this happen? How did we lose our way, and don't pull that bullshit "we took god from school" card. God has nothing to do with good moral values, people just want to justify their actions through some invisible dude in the sky. Can you tell I am not a believer? Good. You want to believe, please by all means do! But god in schools or not, is not the reason this is happening.

      Oh well... this is yet one more posting that will get relegated to some dark corner of the internet, never to be read, debated or even enjoyed or scoffed at. If you read it, thanks for taking the time.

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